Aim of the conference
Public policy has become an established focus of scholarly attention
over the last 50 years. Participants have come from a range of
disciplines, including economics, political science, public
administration, geography, sociology, and law among others and have been
involved in a variety of inter and multi-disciplinary areas such as
labour studies, women’s studies, environmental studies, governance
studies and studies of public management. Some researchers have focused
on theories and concepts such as discourse analysis or public choice
theory; on frameworks of analysis such as network theory or advocacy
coalitions; on the policy process (such as agenda-setting or
decision-making); some on the development of professional modes of
practice (‘policy analysis’, policy appraisal and evaluation and ‘policy
work’), others on specific subject-areas such as health policy,
education policy, energy policy, welfare policy; and others on policy
dynamics and change (such as punctuated equilibrium theory, path
dependency analysis and others).
So there are a number of divergent ongoing conversations among scholars in the field and not many opportunities for them to meet together. Some existing conferences focus on professional practice but many others are subject centered or disciplinarily specific. There is a need for a meeting-space in which the full range of scholars with an interest in public policy can come together and learn from one another. As the Chairs of policy-relevant IPSA Research Committees we see a need for a global approach to these subjects and are proposing a joint international conference, to be held every two years, in the ‘off-year’ between IPSA Congresses. We see this conference as providing a forum for the increasing international community of researchers who work on public policy to present empirical findings, help develop and refine existing debates and scholarship, and to promote innovation and consistency in research programs, methods and concepts. Although this conference has been created under auspices of the two IPSA research committees most directly focused on public policy (RC30 Comparative Public Policy and RC32 Public Policy and Administration) with the support of other policy-related IPSA RCs dealing with local government, gender policy, and health policy, and with related policy groups and organizations in Europe and North America, the goal is to enlarge the organizing and scientific committees to all networks on public policy from other disciplines and inter-disciplinary orientations in these areas and others around the globe. By creating a biennial international conference, the goal of the project is not only to bring together researchers from all over the world on a regular basis but also to reinforce the exchanges between researchers already involved in IPSA and other cognate organizations, and thus to create a large network and space for research on public policy inside and across different disciplines, beginning with political science but extending from there to other groups of policy investigators and thinkers. During this conference, opportunities will be provided for both junior and senior researchers to present and discuss new research, theoretical, conceptual and methodological insights and empirical findings through a system of panels and workshops with audience participation and to discuss some common papers by a system of conference speakers and plenary discussions. This conference will also provide an opportunity to develop links between researchers and scientific journals and publishers interested in the policy sciences, as well as links between scholars and practitioners interested in advancing policy and policy-relevant knowledge. |